
We offer…

playful & productive WORKSHOPS,
short & impactful BOOSTER SESSIONS,
experiential & immediately actionable TRAININGS,
and custom project-based LEARNING JOURNEYS.


Our Services…

… empower you to shape and pursue new opportunities in ambiguity.

We are passionate about creating collaboration experiences that produce tangible outcomes. Join us for public trainings or contact us about bringing the learning experience to you and your organization. Whether virtual or in-person, you will gain confidence with tools and skills to develop your innovation mindset and capabilities.



Our immersive workshops take you on a journey to transform unfathomable uncertainty into awesome opportunities. You might even have some fun. (Spoiler: You definitely will.)


Your Futures

Envision new worlds and uncover new opportunities. This is your Kickstarter into new endeavors. In this Vision Workshop, you will co-create your vision of the preferred future. (Fun fact: We can use LEGO® Serious Play®!)

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There is a messy challenge ahead? In this hands-on workshop, we help you to clarify what is in front of you and to design new and promising solutions. We focus on quick progress and experiments to test if you are on the right path.

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Team Potential

Learn and practice constructive collaboration in your team.
Our CoCreACT® Principles will nurture your resilience and co-creativity.


Booster Sessions

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How about…

… shorter sessions that are useful & inspiring so that you get a taste of innovating in ambiguity?


Ideal for individual contributors & team members
Ideal when you want to complement other training and workshop efforts with a quick dive into additional ways of thinking, feeling and doing in ambiguity.

Content focus is on individuals learning to embody the Innovation mindset and live into the principles through the use of simple CoCreACT® tools, frameworks and games.




What do you do when you don’t know what to do, but you feel like you need to do something? Prepare to face uncertainty on your own and with others.



Getting comfortable with the discomfort. Understand what triggers intolerance for ambiguity and how a new mindset can enhance the experience.



A playful format to get to know ambiguity and dive deeper. Learn new tools to approach and explore the new and uncertain.



You want to learn how to innovate in ambiguity?
We offer TWO training development paths, each with THREE LEVELS:

Innovating in Ambiguity
Leading Innovation in Ambiguity

Innovating in Ambiguity


Experiential Learning Journeys for individuals and teams to develop the toolset, skillset and mindset for advancing innovation.

Ideal for individual contributors & team members
Ideal when you want to develop an understanding of innovation and develop capacity to collaboratively act, make progress and demonstrate impact with innovation efforts.

Content focus is on using the CoCreACT® toolset to build the innovator's skillset and, through iterative cycles of application, living into the mindset and modeling it for others in the organization. Mastery includes how to facilitate CoCreACT® with others to catalyze innovation.


Level 1


[2hr online training]

In this experiential session, you learn more about ambiguity and why it is an underestimated potential in our working lives.



[5hr online training]

After this half day training, you will know more about your personal behavior in ambiguity and how to thrive in it. You will learn the core tools for how to approach messy challenges and make sense of the mess.

Level 3

Certified Facilitator

[3 days in-person training]

Do you want to become a Certified CoCreACT® Facilitator and guide teams through co-creative challenges? Here is your hands-on 3day training. You will learn and practice facilitating the CoCreACT® method for teams and will leave well prepared with your CoCreACT® Facilitator Kit.


Leading Innovation in Ambiguity


Ideal for leaders and executives
Ideal when you want to foster a culture of innovation and facilitate transformation by empowering others to activate innovation efforts and deliver meaningful results.

Content focus is on the unique role of the innovation leader as a facilitator of transformation with an emphasis on how to maintain a strategic vision while using principled actions and mindset to support team's innovation efforts.


Level 1

Leading in Ambiguity Fundamentals

Explore what innovation is to you and your organization, identify what it takes to lead innovation, and practice using innovation tools and principles to build an innovation leadership mindset.

Level 2

Leading Innovation Fundamentals

After this 2day training, you will know more about your personal behavior when leading in ambiguity and how to help your team to thrive. You will learn the 6 tools of our CoCreACT® Principles to support your teams in their transformation.

Level 3

CoCreACT® Certified Transformation Leader

For everyone who wants to foster a culture of innovation and nurture transformation by empowering others.
Lead innovation by facilitating transformation and activating ambiguity. Learn how to keep a strategic vision in focus while using principled actions and mindset to support the team's innovation potential and navigate uncertainty.




Not sure what you need, but know you need *something*? We’ll help you get comfortable with the uncomfortable. And we’ll work with you to curate and co-create experiences that lead to solutions.

This could be a 2 hour session at your big event. Or a customised journey of a certain mix of workshops and trainings. Or a unique solution for your organization’s specific challenges.

You have a special project coming up? We design your path forward with a customized mix out of our training and workshop portfolio. Here is an example…

An Example of a CoCreACT® Learning Journey for a team


Interested? Please get in touch!

We’re happy to talk to you! Reach out so we can find out how to help you best.