CoCreACT® Fundamentals

Innovating in Ambiguity - Level 2 (5hr)


Are you ready to innovate in ambiguity?

Solving new problems that arise in uncertainty demands both courage and risk. When you can see ambiguity as an opportunity, you can take action to navigate it successfully. And we are here to help you along the way.

Learn the fundamentals of the CoCreACT® approach to innovating in ambiguity!! 

The CoCreACT® suite of trainings prepares you to tackle challenges in a co-creative way successfully. 

Innovating in Ambiguity Level 2: CoCreACT® Fundamentals is a 5-hour experiential learning journey for individuals and teams to help develop the toolset, skillset and mindset for advancing innovation. We thoughtfully design our programs with you (and your business) in mind, which means they are hands-on, engaging, and immediately actionable. 

This is a great place to get familiar with the basic tenets of innovation and how to use them to transform the way you work. This training is ideal for individuals and teams when you are ready to commit to innovation and develop your capacity to act collaboratively, make progress and demonstrate impact with your efforts. 

Why CoCreACT®

CoCreACT® is built upon a few core beliefs about innovation, including:

Innovation is for everyone -
inside your organization, your industry, and beyond! 

Innovation requires collaboration -
and what makes you great at what you do is likely what will make it hard for you to collaborate effectively and enjoyably. Luckily you can learn to overcome these challenges. 

Innovating is a high-demand, learnable skill -
and it is closely tied to ambiguity tolerance, which you can manage just like energy. 

Innovation is a combination of toolset, skillset, and mindset - 
to develop one well requires developing them all. A mindset multiplied is culture, so it helps to make this journey in the company of colleagues. 


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Our Approach

With CoCreACT®, we empower people to be flexible in ambiguity, to identify new opportunities, to shape wonderous futures and take actions that bring them to life. 

For that we offer:

  • CoCreACT® Tools to be prepared and ready to start anywhere with the right variety of tools,

  • CoCreACT® Skills to continuously transform uncertainty into new opportunities, as well as...

  • CoCreACT® Mindset with 6 guiding principles to co-creatively navigate ambiguity

Start Your Innovation Journey

Begin your Innovating in Ambiguity journey with Level 1: CoCreACT® Fundamentals where you will:

  • Explore what innovation is, how to define it, and talk to others about it 

  • Identify obstacles that can often inhibit innovation 

  • Practice using innovation tools to build your innovation skillset and confidence

  • Identify ways to apply your learning in your own work and life


Training Materials

Everything you need to immediately put into practice what you have learned is contained in the CoCreACT® Fundamentals Innovation Playbook, which you will digitally after the successfully completed training. The Playbook contains all the tools you have learned and practiced so you are ready to go through a CoCreACT® process on your own!  


Anyone is welcome to participate in this Level 1: CoCreACT® Fundamentals. 

We recommend this training as a prerequisite if you want to do the CoCreACT® Certified Facilitator training. Not sure what’s right for you? Please reach out, we are happy to discuss your hopes, needs, and options!


Join the CoCreACT® Fundamentals Online Training in English or German!

Registration and pricing below or get in touch if you have questions.