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CoCreACT® Certified Facilitator

Innovating in Ambiguity - Level 3 (3 days in-person)


CoCreACT® - Co-creative and pragmatic

Innovating in Ambiguity Level 3: CoCreACT® Certified Facilitator: Learn to harness uncertainty in complex times! Become a Certified CoCreACT® Facilitator and realize the innovation potential in teams! Learn to deliver CoCreACT® Sprints to tackle challenges co-creatively & successfully.

Step 1 - Disempower the fear of uncertainty by giving it a name: Ambiguity. Prepare yourself to enter the territory of tensions where problems are thorny, solutions are blurred, and the situation and what we know is unclear.

Step 2 - Switch from defensive to active design mode. This working in ambiguity needs continuous, fast, and low-risk learning, experimenting, and testing. With the CoCreACT® approach, you increase the imagination for practical solutions that open up new potentials.

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Our CoCreACT® training concept

With CoCreAct® we have developed a training concept that combines the best of various creative processes, such as Design Thinking, Creative Problem Solving, or the Lean Start-Up approach. With CroCreAct® you learn creative methods to turn challenges into testable solutions.

A creative process does not end with an idea. CoCreACT® effectively tackles any worthwhile challenge and directly starts its validation and implementation.

Ambiguity, complexity, and uncertainty are our creative potential that needs to be discovered. That is why we start the CoCreACT® training on the first day with a personal Deep Dive into Ambiguity, in order to create self-awareness also for uncertain times.


CoCreACT® Certified Facilitator Training

With CoCreACT® we empower people to act flexibly in ambiguity in order to identify and shape new opportunities.

For this we offer:

  1. CoCreACT® Tools to be prepared with the right tools at all times and to get started

  2. CoCreACT® Skills to continuously transform uncertainty into new potential

  3. CoCreACT® Mindset based on 6 simple guiding principles that are our compass to navigate the journey ahead

You can learn all this in our Certified CoCreACT® Facilitator Training, which consists of two parts:


Day 1 / Session 1+2

CoCreACT® Deep Dive - What is my approach to ambiguity? How can I learn to tap into it? Which mindset, skills, and tools help me creating uncertainty?

Explore your relationship with ambiguity and how you can use the possibilities hidden in your ambiguous personal challenges. For this, we show different ways of behaving and our 6 guiding principles in ambiguity and practice applying new tools to your areas of tension. This one-day training will bring you more confidence and curiosity to find your way in uncertainty. You will not only learn this for yourself, but it will also help you in your interactions with colleagues, friends, and family.

You can book the CoCreACT® Deep Dive separately if you want to learn more about your individual approach to ambiguity and do not want to facilitate CoCreACT® for teams.

Day 2 + 3 / Session 3-6

Facilitating CoCreACT® Sprints

Get to know the Swiss Army Knife of co-creative processes: With the CoCreACT® process and its four phases, you can transform any complicated or complex situation into exciting challenges. We will show you what it takes to increase the team's imagination to develop compelling ideas that are then effectively tested in experiments. You learn this hands-on with real challenges from the group of participants. You will get to know yourself better, which strengths, preferences, and blind spots you have when designing something new.

We will make sure that you apply what you have learned. You will practice facilitating the CoCreACT® process and discover yourself in your new facilitator role. In debriefings, we find out the last practical subtleties that you need for your successful CoCreACT® expertise.

Training Materials

With the CoCreACT® Facilitator Card Deck, you are always prepared! Our unique sets of cards contain all the instructions to facilitate CoCreACT® Sprints and use various tools on the go!

And of course, you will receive your copy of the CoCreACT® Facilitator Playbook.

Was auch immer es ist – die Art und Weise, wie du deine Geschichte online vermittelst, kann einen gewaltigen Unterschied ausmachen.


If you are experienced in facilitating groups but want in-depth skills and tools to facilitate co-creation and innovation, this is the right training for you.

Not sure what’s right for you? Please reach out, we are happy to discuss your hopes, needs, and options!

Why CoCreACT®

CoCreACT® is built upon a few core beliefs about innovation, including:

Innovation is for everyone -
inside your organization, your industry, and beyond! 

Innovation requires collaboration -
and what makes you great at what you do is likely what will make it hard for you to collaborate effectively and enjoyably. Luckily you can learn to overcome these challenges. 

Innovating is a high-demand, learnable skill -
and it is closely tied to ambiguity tolerance, which you can manage just like energy. 

Innovation is a combination of toolset, skillset, and mindset - 
to develop one well requires developing them all. A mindset multiplied is culture, so it helps to make this journey in the company of colleagues. 


Join the CoCreACT® Certified Facilitator Training!

Registration and pricing below or get in touch if you have questions.