New book: Leading in Ambiguity


New book:
Leading in Ambiguity


CoCreACT® is on a mission…

… to help organizations and individuals embrace ambiguity as a tool for success. Innovation and transformation are only possible in ambiguity.


What we do


CoCreACT® offers unique tools and services designed to leverage the benefits of ambiguity at the individual, team, and organizational levels. Ambiguity is a powerful catalyst for newness and change. We use it as potential for innovation and transformation.

To overcome complex challenges, we need meaningful engagement to co-create the paths forward. We help you to identify and use ambiguity for inspiration and creativity and transform it from uncertainty to possibilities. We change your response to ambiguity, show you how to tackle its challenges and how to make progress to your advantage.

We offer online, in-person, and hybrid events to best serve our clients’ needs.



You don't want to deal with all the uncertainty and tensions?
We teach you how to be comfortable to navigate the unknown, TOGETHER. Face ambiguity with confidence.


You don't know where you're going?
We help you to shape your thinking, to extract what is essential and novel and to co-create a vision to aspire to.


You don't know how to get there?
We show you how to transform step by step and to prototype progress. Learn from ambiguity and turn it into something actionable.


How we do it

Ambiguity is a team sport. When we collaborate in ambiguity we have to get ready for what we call a “rollercoaster ride into the new”. It is unfamiliar terrain, we can’t perfectly prepare for it. Collaborating in ambiguity means to co-create the process of transformation, and we know how.

We offer a portfolio of SERVICES, in person, online or in a hybrid mix. Experience something new that will shift the way you see the world and transform your actions.



Our immersive workshops take you on a journey to transform unfathomable uncertainty into awesome opportunities. You might even have some fun. (Spoiler: You definitely will.)



You want to learn how to innovate in ambiguity?
We offer TWO training development paths, each with THREE LEVELS:




The CoCreACT® Method


Innovation is born of ambiguity. Creating the new requires courage and risk. With CoCreACT® we empower people to be flexible, and to identify and shape new opportunities in ambiguity. We teach you the tools and the skills to develop the mindset.



With the CoCreACT® Toolset you are prepared and ready to start anywhere with a curated set of time-tested tools. They’re easy to use and adaptable.


The CoCreACT® Skillset can easily be applied to any challenge. The more you use it, the more comfortable you become with ambiguity.


The CoCreACT® Mindset includes six guiding principles that serve as a compass, helping you to co-creatively navigate ambiguity.


The lust for certainty is the most damning thing man has.



Join our Community!

Join our Community of Ambiguity Activists! We offer a virtual space to meet, share and learn with like-minded people. This is also where we prototype with your and try out our new ideas and solutions.



Are you curious about what others say about what we do? Here are some quotes from people who joined our trainings and workshops!